Welcome to my little corner in the world!
I will receive you with curiosity and open arms.
My commitment is to help you understand yourself and allow your authenticity to come through.
Descubre el poder de la terapia adaptada a ti. Tu historia es única, y mi enfoque también lo es, ayudándote a avanzar a tu propio ritmo.
Trabajaremos con marco IFS: una manera de conocerte de manera acogedora y libre de juicios.
My psychotherapy sessions are characterized by a climate of trust and closeness, where respect is the central ingredient. Open communication will allow us to explore what is real for you. Psychotherapy is a fascinating journey where your needs and limits are always in the centre.
Juntos exploraremos tus inquietudes, desarrollando estrategias personalizadas que te ayudarán a crecer y superar obstáculos.
Trabajaremos en fortalecer tu relación, mejorando la comunicación y entendimiento mutuo, para construir un vínculo más sólido y armonioso.
Te ofrezco consejos y herramientas prácticas para enfrentar los retos de la crianza, mejorando la dinámica familiar y el bienestar de tus hijos.
There’s a bunch of different reasons why someone might consider therapy. Here’s a list of some of the most common:
– You are struggling with internal conflicts, feelings of anxiety and/or depression
– You feel discomfort, dissatisfaction or scarcity, as if something is missing
– You are dealing with feelings of alienation
– You would like to understand certain passages in your life and how they currently affect you
– You are navigating challenging relationships (family, friends, romantic)
– You feel curious and want to know more about yourself
Beatriz Kuang López Bolaños2024-02-05Mi experiencia hasta ahora con la psicóloga Uxue me esta ayudando a crecer de forma emocional ya que estoy aprendiendo a conocer mis sentimientos y a aceptarlos tanto sean buenos como malos. Empecé a ir en un momento en el que mi vida se encontraba un poco patas arriba y a raíz de buscar ayuda he notado mucho cambio personal, yo recomiendo sus consultas.
maier irazabal2024-02-01Oso gustora berarekin.Saio atseginak, helburu eta metodo argiekin. Uxue gai da une bakoitzean behar diren aholkuak entzun eta emateko.
Simpf Ara2023-03-06Uxue is the kindest person I had consulted ever with. Also very professional. Highly recommend!
Daniel M2022-11-28A friendly and knowledgeable therapist with an intelligent and emphatic approach to her patients.
Maxwell Opara2022-11-22I was delighted with the warmth and understanding Uxue received me with. I felt very secure and it was easy to let thoughts and emotions out since minute one. I look forward to continue my journey - thank you Uxue
inder95122022-11-13Super warm and sensitive personality. I really enjoyed our talks and i always felt myself beeing in good hands.
Jess Estrella2022-11-11Great professional and person. She makes you feel comfortable and relaxed in a safe and judgment free environment! Definitely recommend her!
wagne albert2022-11-11Very useful and very nice person. I recommend this place a lot. Thank you for everything
Juntos, exploraremos tu mundo interno: conoceremos los motores de tu conducta, emociones y pensamientos, y caminaremos hacia la consciencia y la harmonía.
Enfrenta desafíos emocionales con mi guía. Avanzaremos juntos hacia tu bienestar personal, con un plan personalizado y dedicado a ti.